EVENING PRAYER -A night prayer before going to bed

Praise the lord , we thank God for the beautiful evening, we thank God Father for the progress that God has given to our lives, we thank God Father for protecting us from dangers, troubles, calamities, bad luck, deadly diseases, we thank that Father, truly our God is great, so come together and read from the living word of God.

Psalms 3:4 says: "I cried to the Lord with my voice, And He heard me from His holy hill.

Psalms 3:4 says: “I cried to the Lord with my voice, And He heard me from His holy hill.

According to this verse, God tells us that when we call God, we pray to God, when we place our requests before Him, He listens to us and answers us. In fact, the answer comes from God in our lives because He listens, and we get the answer.

Come, let us all, who are reading this blog post, sing this prayer together We pray for all those who are in trouble. So come, let us go to the presence of God. We thank the grace of life, our father God, for the beautiful time, for today’s beautiful evening, our father God, we thank you, your Lord,

we praise your name, we praise your name, God, may you get respect, guest and glory from our lives, God, because you are worthy of respect and honor, you, God, you are a good God, you are a kind God, you are the father who listens to prayers, we thank you, you are the path, you are the truth, you are our savior, God, we thank all those who are seeing or reading this post,

My too Jesus, why do we bring them all into your presence, God, we bring them into your presence, Father, may you touch each one, Lord, may your presence be with everyone, Father, we pray for everyone’s life, Father, may your grace be in everyone’s life, Lord, may your compassion and mercy be in everyone’s life, may your kindness be on everyone’s life, Jesus Father, those who are praying to you in their life, Father,

I bring their request and prayer before you God, please answer their prayers. I am asking you, O God, whatever they are asking for, please answer their prayers.

I thank you, my Lord, I pray that every person may get happiness and prosperity from your side, Lord Father Prabhu, fill everyone’s life with blessings. Father God, keep everyone away from evil eyes, dangers and fatal diseases.

Father God, save their lives. Lord, give success to everyone in their life, may they get good opportunities. Father God, my Lord, bless everyone’s business. Lord, save everyone from debts. Lord, those who are in debt, may you pay them with their lives. Lord, no disease should be able to touch anyone. Father God, whoever is sick In the mighty name of Lord Jesus, may he be healed. Lord Father God, when your powerful hands touch him, he will be healed.

Truly your word says, Lord, if you pray for the sick, they will be healed. Lord, you healed him and made him live healthy. Father God, with special thanks, I entrust tonight in your hands, Lord, because today you have taken care of us from all the sorrows of the day and answered every worry in Yes and Amen. We ask in the mighty name of Lord Jesus, Amen.

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