50 Powerful Intercessory Prayers for the Church: A Guide to Transform Lives

Intercessory Prayers for the Church

Introduction to Intercessory Prayers. What Are Intercessory Prayers? Intercessory prayers for the church mean praying for others, just like a lawyer speaks for a client in court, we pray before God for the needs and challenges of others. It is a form of intercession in which we plead with God from our hearts for others. … Read more

What is a permit from the bible ?

What is a permit from the bible ?

Have you ever wondered what the concept of ‘permission’ or ‘permit’ means in the Bible? The Bible is such a book that not only gives us rules and guidance, but it also teaches us a way to understand God’s sovereignty and His plans. But did you know that there are times in the Bible when … Read more



Introduction:- Friendship is such a beautiful thing which brings happiness and peace in our life. Every person needs a friend in his life who can support him and help him in his difficult times. Friendship is given great importance in the Bible, and it tells us what real friendship should be like     In this … Read more