How long did it take Noah to build the Ark: what was the story behind it?

Today in this blog post we will tell you How long did it take noah to build the ark and what was story behind it. In the Bible, we see that Noah was a righteous man. He was an upright man among the people of his time and walked with God. The Bible tells us that when God created the earth, it was very beautiful. But after Adam and Eve sinned, the earth became corrupt in the eyes of God and was filled with uproar.

All the people across the world had gone astray in their own ways. However, there was one man who lived his life in the fear of God, and he was a true and righteous man in God’s eyes; his name was Noah.

God spoke to Noah and said, “Noah, the earth has become corrupt in my sight. I will destroy all life on earth because of their mischief. But don’t worry because you are righteous and upright in my eyes. I have no doubt about your conduct.” The Bible tells us that there were only a few righteous men among the people of his time, and Noah was the only man whose life pleased God.

Lessons from Noah’s Life

Dear ones, here we learn that God loves those who fear Him and protects them from every calamity. We also see that, no matter how much evil there is in the world, we should never stray from God’s path. Next, we see that God gave Noah permission to build an ark.

He was told to make separate rooms in it and to coat it with tar inside and out. God instructed him to bring one male and one female from each species of animal and bird onto the ark.

So, Noah started building the ark as God commanded. God also told Noah that once he completed the ark and gathered all the living creatures, He would send rain for 40 days and 40 nights to wipe out all living creatures from the earth. Noah obeyed and warned people to repent of their sins. He warned them about the coming terrible wrath of God and the flood that was soon to engulf the earth.

But the people of that time did not listen and mocked Noah’s words. Yet, Noah continued working on the ark in obedience to God

A Call to Obedience

Friends, we learn here that we should also follow God’s example and inform others so they can turn from their sinful ways, just as Noah did. Even today, many people scoff when Christians warn about the Day of Judgment, believing it will never come. But dear ones, remember the words of Lord Jesus Christ in the gospel: “As it happened in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the Son of Man.

People ate, drank, and married until the day Noah boarded the ark, and then the flood came and destroyed them all.” This is also the condition of today’s world. Many do not believe that Lord Jesus Christ is going to come again, but the day they see the Lord coming on the clouds, they will have no other option but to weep and mourn.

How long did it take Noah to build the ark?

The exact duration it took Noah to build the Ark is not explicitly stated in the Bible, leading to various interpretations among scholars and religious commentators. Here are the main perspectives based on biblical references and scholarly interpretations:

Time Estimates for Building the Ark

120 Years: Some scholars suggest that it took Noah 120 years to build the Ark, referencing Genesis 6:3, which mentions that God’s spirit would not strive with man for more than 120 years. This interpretation implies that this period may have included both the time for building and a warning period before the flood began12.

75 Years: Another common estimate is around 75 years. This view posits that Noah began building the Ark after his sons were grown and married, allowing for a minimum of 25 years from Noah’s age of 500 (when his sons were born) to when he was instructed to build the Ark4.

Other Estimates: There are varying opinions, with some suggesting it could have taken anywhere from 40 days to several decades, depending on different interpretations of biblical texts and traditions23. For example, some Jewish traditions claim it took as little as 52 years or even just five years with divine assistance2.

In summary, while estimates range from a few years to as much as 120 years, the most commonly accepted timeframe among scholars is between 75 to 120 years for the construction of Noah’s Ark based on biblical chronology and interpretations of scripture.

The Journey of the Ark

When Noah’s ark was ready, God told him to bring seven pairs of clean animals of each species into the ark, both male and female, and two pairs of animals that were not pure, along with such birds. They followed God’s command and even made a window in the ark, as God instructed. When Noah, his family, and all the animals and birds entered the ark, Noah still stood at the window, pleading with people to come inside. But no one listened.

The next morning, when it did not rain, people mocked Noah, continuing to do so for seven days. Noah kept warning them daily, but they ignored him. Friends, we learn here that God always gives us an opportunity to repent.

On the seventh day, God closed the door of the ark. Then, it started raining, and after a few days, the ark began to float on the water. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Not only that, but all the springs of the earth burst forth, causing water levels to rise quickly, submerging the entire earth and destroying all living creatures. But God kept Noah and his family safe.

On the fortieth day, Noah opened the window and saw that water covered the earth, and all creatures were destroyed. The water remained on the earth for 150 days. Eventually, God took care of Noah, the birds, and animals in the ark.

He caused a wind to blow over the earth, and as the water receded, the mountains became visible. The ark came to rest on a mountain, and Noah saw that they had reached Mount Ararat. He released a raven, but it found no place to land and returned.

Then, after some days, he released a dove, which also returned, as there was no dry land. Later, Noah released the dove again, and it returned with an olive leaf. Noah understood that the water was receding. After a week, he sent the dove again, and this time, it did not return, indicating the earth was dry.

God’s Covenant with Noah

On the 27th day of the second month of Noah’s 601st year, the earth dried up completely. Then God told Noah to come out of the ark with his family, animals, and birds. He instructed them to flourish and spread throughout the earth. Noah thanked God and built an altar, sacrificing some clean animals and birds. God was pleased with Noah’s sacrifice, which rose like fragrant incense. God then made a promise to Noah that whenever sin fills the earth again, He will never destroy it with a flood.

God showed a rainbow in the clouds, saying it would be a sign of His promise with the earth. Whenever we see a rainbow, we should remember God’s kindness and His love for His people. In this story, we learn about obedience and how we can receive blessings through it. Just as Noah remained obedient, we should turn from our sinful ways, heed the words of righteous people, and follow God’s commandments.

Friends, remember that God’s eyes are always on the righteous, just as they were on Noah. But those who choose wickedness will face destruction, as did the people in Noah’s time who did not heed his warning. So, let us strive to improve our conduct, follow God’s commandments, and pay attention to the words of the righteous.

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